Tuesday 6 March 2012

Want to be an Imposter?

The Imposters Rollergirls train in the Lincoln area, we were started by experienced derby girls. Many of our founding members developed their skills whilst playing with other teams and bouting around the UK and Europe. We also have an experienced coach alongside some great refs.

Give it a go!

We are currently recruiting new members. All we ask is that you're over 18, and of any size and any fitness level, with a thirst to learn about this intense and addictive sport. Training sessions are designed to fit into a modern, hectic lifestyle. The team has a wealth of experience and the willingness to impart that knowledge on to new members, whatever their skill levels may be.

Many of our girls hadn't skated since they were kids, so absolute beginners are welcome! We even have spare kit for you to borrow so there's no excuse!

All our girls will help you along in your Roller Derby journey. When you join a Roller Derby team you don't just get team mates you make friends and join a Derby family!


Wednesday 8pm - 10pm @ Dukeries Leisure Centre, Ollerton, Nr Newark.
Saturday 4pm - 8pm @ Yarbrough Leisure Centre, Riseholme Rd, Lincoln.

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